Popular Baby Names

Are you interested in finding the perfect names for the newest addition to the family? Then you will simply love this list. It offers a hundred of the cutest, most popular, and original names you could possibly ask for.

This is a definite must read for new parents.

Even if the list isn’t the source where you find the right one, it will give you plenty of ideas and offer a unique source of inspiration.

Rank Male name Female name
1 Noah Emma
2 Liam Olivia
3 Mason Sophia
4 Jacob Isabella
5 William Ava
6 Ethan Mia
7 Michael Emily
8 Alexander Abigail
9 James Madison
10 Daniel Charlotte
11 Elijah Harper
12 Benjamin Sofia
13 Logan Avery
14 Aiden Elizabeth
15 Jayden Amelia
16 Matthew Evelyn
17 Jackson Ella
18 David Chloe
19 Lucas Victoria
20 Joseph Aubrey
21 Anthony Grace
22 Andrew Zoey
23 Samuel Natalie
24 Gabriel Addison
25 Joshua Lillian
26 John Brooklyn
27 Carter Lily
28 Luke Hannah
29 Dylan Layla
30 Christopher Scarlett
31 Isaac Aria
32 Oliver Zoe
33 Henry Samantha
34 Sebastian Anna
35 Caleb Leah
36 Owen Audrey
37 Ryan Ariana
38 Nathan Allison
39 Wyatt Savannah
40 Hunter Arianna
41 Jack Camila
42 Christian Penelope
43 Landon Gabriella
44 Jonathan Claire
45 Levi Aaliyah
46 Jaxon Sadie
47 Julian Riley
48 Isaiah Skylar
49 Eli Nora
50 Aaron Sarah
51 Charles Hailey
52 Connor Kaylee
53 Cameron Paisley
54 Thomas Kennedy
55 Jordan Ellie
56 Jeremiah Peyton
57 Nicholas Annabelle
58 Evan Caroline
59 Adrian Serenity
60 Robert Madelyn
61 Gavin Lucy
62 Brayden Aubree
63 Grayson Alexa
64 Josiah Nevaeh
65 Colton Alexis
66 Austin Stella
67 Angel Violet
68 Jace Genesis
69 Dominic Mackenzie
70 Kevin Bella
71 Brandon Autumn
72 Tyler Mila
73 Parker Kylie
74 Ayden Maya
75 Jason Piper
76 Jose Alyssa
77 Ian Taylor
78 Chase Eleanor
79 Adam Faith
80 Hudson Naomi
81 Nolan Melanie
82 Zachary Katherine
83 Easton Eva
84 Blake Lydia
85 Jaxson Brianna
86 Cooper Julia
87 Lincoln Ashley
88 Xavier Khloe
89 Bentley Madeline
90 Kayden Ruby
91 Carson Sophie
92 Brody Alexandra
93 Asher London
94 Nathaniel Lauren
95 Ryder Gianna
96 Justin Isabelle
97 Leo Vivian
98 Juan Alice
99 Luis Hadley
100 Tristan Jasmine